Beschrijving van Changing Tides Consultancy & Training
I work with nonprofit teams and leaders to professionalise their operational back-end. I support nonprofits with all the things most people find boring, confusing or scary (or all at once).
I provide online courses and workshops that are available on demand, but also tailor-made capacity building processes or facilitation of exchange events.
I serve a few nonprofits one-to-one, as interim controller for instance.
Jaar van oprichting
Opgericht 2011
Getraind in Technology of Participation
Course Annual reporting for nonprofits, Course Project design for nonprofits, Course Practical labour law & HR for nonprofits, Workshop Bundle Finance & Admin Foundations for nonprofits, Workshop Financial processes for nonprofits, Workshop Bookkeeping basics for nonprofits, Workshop Documentation basics for nonprofits, Workshop Cash flow projection for nonprofits, Workshop Time sheets for nonprofits, Workshop Fee calculation for nonprofits, Review of your nonprofit annual report
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